Terungkap, Sinyal Vujovic Akan Mundur Dari Persib

Jumat, 17 November 2017 10:13 WIB
Penulis: Wahyu Septiana | Editor: Ardini Maharani Dwi Setyarini
© Indosport/Gita Agiet
Vladimir Vujovic, bek gaek Persib Bandung. Copyright: © Indosport/Gita Agiet
Vladimir Vujovic, bek gaek Persib Bandung.

Manajemen Persib Bandung belum mau buka suara terkait siapa saja pemain yang akan dipertahankan dan dilepasnya musim depan. Manajemen Persib akan segera menggelar rapat evaluasi terkait hasil yang kurang memuaskan yang didapat Maung Bandung di musim ini.

Hal tersebut membuat banyak spekulasi pemain mana saja yang akan bertahan dan akan dilepas manajemen di musim ini. Namun, pemain asing ini secara terang-terang telah membocorkan bahwa dirinya akan pergi meninggalkan Persib.

Bermula dari salah satu akun Instagram pendukung Persib mengunggah foto yang menanyakan apakah duet lini pertahanan yang diisi Vujovic dan Ahmad Jufrianto layak untuk dipertahankan Persib di musim depan. Lalu tidak lama kemudian akun Instagram pribadi Vujovic membocorkan kabar tersebut dengan menuliskan #VLADOOUT.

© Instagram/persibinfo
Vladimir Vujovic Beri Sinyal Akan Pergi Meninggalkan Persib Copyright: Instagram/persibinfoVladimir Vujovic Beri Sinyal Akan Pergi Meninggalkan Persib

Sontak kabar tersebut membuat banyak spekulasi terkait apakah bek tangguh asal Montenegro tersebut tidak akan memperkuat Persib di musim depan.

Seperti diketahui, akun Instagram @vladoluna3 memanglah akun instagram pribadi milik Vujovic. Sebelumnya lewat akun Instagram tersebut, Vlado pernah mengklarifikasi terkait aksi yang pernah dilakukan olehnya terkait permasalahan dengan pendukung Persija dan CEO Persija, Gede Widiadi.


I saw few haters who are talking about my pension after every match in Liga1, FEW from millions. 😁 I have to make it all clear once again and make that people unhappy. Vladimir will not retire at the end of this year and Vladimir will play next year too. Vladimir also on the field looks sometimes emotional during matches, but who can stay calm while somebody doing wrong things during matches and insists that he is right with the decision. Then, to some players who insist about Fair Play, I dont understand why talk that things in media, if we saw that game was everything, only not clear Fair Play.In his situation with our goal, to be honest, i will do the same thing like he did and will continue the game and my reaction would be the same like his reaction.Ofcourse nobody has to blame him for that. Butt talking about my red card that i really deserved and not talking about Rudi Widodo tackle or Ismed Sofian kick on Febri face, he just skipped... For what i got yellow card comparing with tackle of Rudi Widodo, Ismed Sofian or Sandy Sute i dont understand and thats why after all of that i was frustrated. Red card is clear, and that I deseved. But can u critic little bit yours if we talk about Fair Play ? Walk Out... I dont understand also how he made decision by himself alone, without asking captain, coach or who ever... All players were inside the field, Persib players were in front of their bench and Persija players in front of their bench too... All players were on the field. MIDLE FINGER was not showen to Persija fans at all, because during 90 minutes they was ok with me. It was showen to few people who spoke Bule Anjing Vujovic goblog and also show to me that midle finger. On the end of situation when i was near to tunel one man spit on me. Beginning of match East tribune they throw on me some small stones and one salak and when i show to referee he show to continue our game. Once again midle finger is not to Persija fans at all, it was just answer on words what few of that people from tribune sent to me. About Gede Widiade, president i dont want spend my words. It happened in front of him and he speak that i provocate first that people.Congrats president

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Terlepas dari permasalahan tersebut, penampilan Vladimir Vujovic di musim ini terbilang menurun dibandingkan dengan musim sebelumnya. Banyak pihak menilai karena faktor usia yang sudah mulai menua membuat penampilan Vujovic tidak selugas musim lalu.

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