Nike Rilis Hijab Khusus Atlet Wanita Muslim

Rabu, 8 Maret 2017 14:34 WIB
Editor: Arum Kusuma Dewi
© Nike
Zahra Lari, atlet ice skating wanita berhijab asal Uni Emirat Arab. Copyright: © Nike
Zahra Lari, atlet ice skating wanita berhijab asal Uni Emirat Arab.

Para atlet Muslim wanita umumnya kesulitan untuk mendapatkan kostum olahraga yang nyaman dan tak menghalangi gerakan, tetapi tetap tak kehilangan identitas. Berlandaskan hal tersebut, Nike selaku produsen pakaian dan alat-alat olahraga, akan meluncurkan hijab khusus untuk berolahraga yang dinamai Nike Pro Hijab.

Hijab khusus ini akan mudah dipakai dan terbuat dari polimer sehingga ringan dan nyaman untuk dipakai selama berolahraga. Warna yang diluncurkan adalah warna gelap yang netral supaya bisa dipadupadankan dengan keseluruhan kostum.

Nike mengaku telah mengembangkan produk ini selama 13 bulan terakhir dan baru akan dijual bebas pada musim panas 2018. "Nike Pro Hijab telah dibuat dalam waktu setahun, tetapi semangatnya bisa dilacak jauh ke belakang, kembali ke pergeseran budaya di mana wanita telah lebih banyak bergabung dalam dunia olahraga," bunyi petikan pernyataan dari Nike.


✨H A P P Y ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨I N T E R N A T I O N A L✨ ✨W O M E N ' S D A Y ✨✨✨✨✨ Still recovering from yesterday's overdose of love and support everyone has shown me after the Nike Pro #Hijab Campaign has launched. ✨ ✨ Still feels surreal and overwhelming and feels life - changing to be involved if even remotely , in a campaign like this. ✨ ✨ ✨ Again Changing the world, one #Hijabi athlete at a time. ✨ ✨ ✨ Happy International Women's Day to every beautiful woman who has ever doubted herself , thought she couldn't, only to turn around and decide she can. ✨ ✨ It's not easy growing up , at least in this region, being a girl . ✨ ✨So much pressure, constraints & confusion - sometimes you want to just run away from it all. ✨ ✨ If you're a little girl reading this, I want you to know that you are the World and Universe in motion. ✨ You are capable of anything your heart desires or anything that you set your heart and mind to. ✨ Nobody can stop you if you believe in your dreams and have the power to persevere. ✨ You have the power to persevere and endure anything and everything to fight for one dream. ✨ ✨ If you're a little older and still confused, know that God will help pave your way, again all you have to do is believe and shut out the small voices whether Inside your head or all around you - focus on your destination and never look anywhere else. ✨ ✨ ✨ If you're a woman and you don't like lifting other women, are jealous or always bitter about other's success, please know in your heart that we are all special in our own way. If all women supported each other , very beautiful things can and will happen. ✨ ✨ ✨ Today I hope for all women to be calm in their hearts, strong in their hearts and kind and loving towards other women first and foremost. We are all here a very little while, what's your story, how will you make and leave an impact? ✨ ✨ Seek only inspiration from other strong women, look up to them, cheer them on, be happy for them, follow even in their steps but DO NOT HURT THEM. ✨ Here's to every woman who is fighting an internal battle everyday and keeps swimming anyway. I love you, thank you, bless you. #internationalwomensday #IWD2017 📸@vivienneballa

A post shared by Manal A Rostom (@manirostom) on

"Nike Pro Hijab didesain sebagai hasil dari para atlet yang memberi tahu kami bahwa mereka butuh produk ini untuk tampil lebih baik dan kami harap ini bisa membantu atlet di seluruh dunia," tutur juru bicara Nike, Megan Saalfeld kepada Al Arabiya English.

Saalfeld pun menambahkan, produk ini telah diuji coba oleh atlet-atlet wanita seperti atlet ice skating Zahra Lari dan pelatih lari Manal Rostom. Setiap harinya, atlet-atlet di Timur Tengah pun dilibatkan untuk memberi penilaian terhadap produk tersebut.

"Bagi sebuah merek seperti Nike untuk menyatakan bahwa orang-orang ini eksis dan termasuk wanita berhijab adalah hal penting. Tak hanya tentang membuat produk yang tersedia bagi Muslim dan wanita Arab, tetapi juga memberikan kesempatan kepada wanita-wanita yang beranggapan tak bisa berkompetisi dengan mengenakan hijab," ujar Rostom.

- xem bóng đá trực tuyến - 90phut - cakhia - mitom

Sebelumnya, Nike meluncurkan video yang menunjukkan dukungannya terhadap atlet wanita di Timur Tengah. Video ini dibintangi beberapa atlet Timur Tengah seperti Zahra Lari, atlet parkour Amal Mourad, petinju Yordania Arifa Bseiso, dan atlet anggar asal Tunisia Ines Boubakri.

- xem bóng đá trực tuyến - 90phut - cakhia - mitom