Hisap Ganja Bareng Mike Tyson, Ini Respons Tak Terduga Conor McGregor

Selasa, 6 November 2018 17:59 WIB
Editor: Prio Hari Kristanto

INDOSPORT.COM - Petarung MMA, Conor McGregor, diketahui baru menghabiskan malam dengan sang legenda tinju dunia, Mike Tyson, di Dublin, Irlandia, Sabtu (03/11/18) lalu.

Tak hanya sekedar bertegur sapa, McGregor dan Mike Tyson bahkan sampai menghisap rokok ganja bersama-sama. 

Hal ini sendiri diketahui melalui postingan instagram Conor McGregor

Petarung yang belum lama melawan Khabib Nurmagomedov ini mengaku senang bisa bertemu ikon tinju dunia tersebut walaupun ia sempat tak suka dengan komentar Tyson tentang dirinya di masa lampau. 

"Saya bertemu dengan Mike Tyson semalam di Helix, Dublin, Irlandia. Saya cinta dan menaruh hormat pada Mike Tyson," tulis McGregor dalam unggahannya.

Tak hanya bercengkrama, McGregor juga mencoba rokok ganja  "KO Kush" yang berasal dari produk ladang ganja milik Mike Tyson di California. 

"Ganja-ganja Anda yang tumbuh di perkebunan Anda sendiri (dengan jenis) "KO Kush" benar-benar bagus. Suatu kehormatan untuk mencicipinya dan saya berharap Anda dan tim Anda yang terbaik dalam usaha keras ini," tulisnya. 


I went to see Mike Tyson last night in the Helix, Dublin, Ireland. I love and respect Mike Tyson. And I love the Helix. I won my first World Title here, and also my second. It was good to meet you Mike. You spoke some things about me in the past which I did not like and I was happy to speak to you face to face, put it to bed and have some fun. You are in good spirits and I was happy to see this! I will always have the height of respect for you! Some decisions you have made around your finances I do not agree with. As a fighter you must fight here. The most. And this is a fight that never ends. It is even a fight that we pass on to our next in line. Our blood line. Make sure you stay switched on with those around you at all times. You have good people around you now, I can tell. But stay switched on. Your Marijuana strain that you grow on your own ranch “KO Kush” is really nice. It was an honour to taste it and I wish you and your team all the best with this endeavor. Just remember, if someone tries to rip you. Rip their nose off their face. You are a fighting icon and deserve endless love and respect! And from me, you will always have it! Don’t let anyone take anything from you. You owe nobody nothing. It is you who is owed. Always remember that. I love you Mike! Iron Mike Tyson! Here is an iconic photograph as a gift from me to you, from head photographer at @mcgregorproductions , @ginger_beard_photos

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Tak sekedar itu, The Notorious juga mengomentari soal dirinya yang tak setuju dengan sejumlah keputusan Mike Tyson dalam hal finansial di masa lalu.

Mike Tyson sendiri diketahui pernah mengalami kebangkrutan beberapa tahun lalu. 

Walau begitu, McGergor tak lupa mengingatkan Mike Tyson untuk tetap aktif dengan orang-orang di sekitarnya. 

"Anda memiliki orang-orang yang baik di sekitar Anda sekarang, saya tahu,"

Terus Ikuti Berita Olahraga Seputar Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Hanya di INDOSPORT.COM.

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